Monday, May 17, 2010

welcome to my life.

long time since i updated. started work and was tired when i got home so hardly had the time to blog. but since today is my off day, YAY, i shall attempt to recall what ive been doing for the past 2 days.

15th may

after the lectures on 14th may, i had my practical lessons today. went to the pier early in the morning at 930am to wait for instructions. we were all given one ride to learn and mine was the elephants ride. its the one where the elephants will fly up in the air and go a few rounds before coming down again (kiddy ride).

so as we were waiting for our instructors/supervisors to come train us. we just sat down and chill. not a bad deal for USD7.25 per hour, haha. anyway before my supervisor could come, i was tasked to help clean the paddle boats. tiring, hot, dirty. tsk tsk.

enough about complaints. cos i was praised for a job well done (: then i went back to my supervisor and got trained on how to operate the elephants ride. it was quite easy to grasp. the difficult part came in when i had to go thru a written test! (just finished exams in singapore, come here also got test. sianness)

i passed the test but of course (haha!), and was told to start work immediately till 11pm. which totally sucks, cos it'll just mean that i will be there for the whole freaking long day (930am till 11pm).

ended the day on a tiring note and wasnt really looking forward to the next day as i will be going through the same routine from 10am to 5pm. shorter day but still.... :(

16th may

crawled out of bed cos i was so tired the previous night. washed up and went to the pier. breakfast was good. hup prepared french toasts and i helped to fry some sausages.

the crowd today wasnt as huge as yesterday's so it was more manageable. and the only thing that was fun and cool about this ride, is that i get to interact with lots of kids. and i mean LOTS of kids. the kids were all sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute and small. den i had to carry them in and out of the elephants. some kept talking to me, some smiled, some just sat there and got nervous when the ride started. but all of these warmed my heart in that cold weather.

day passed quite fast, wasnt that hard to bear with as compared to saturday. after work, went to get my new schedule for next week. i'll be off on monday and thursday. tuesday and wednesday i'll be cleaning the water themepark, my official workplace. friday, saturday and sunday will be most dreaded as i go back to the elephants ride, really boring job to be a ride operator.

then went out to do laundry. realised that the ppl here hardly wash their own clothes. it was always a trip to the laundromat to get it done. quite a cool experience i had. not cheap though, 2 bucks for a wash, 50 to 75 cents to dry it.

went for dinner after that at panda chinese restaurant. gotta be a fav haunt for all morey's employees cos the boss gave us 10% discount and threw in lots of freebies like soup etc. i think the boss loves us for going back every other day too. good business, good profits.

irene's pub was our last stop for the day. quite a cool place. very noisy though, many ppl were talking (or shouting) at the top of their lungs. drank quite abit and got abit dizzy at the end. haha lousy drinker. anyway i had a really good sleep because of the drinks. hahaha

17th may

alright finally i managed to cover what ive been doing for the past 2 days.

well today is my off day, and i plan to spend it at atlantic city again! this time we are going to other places like calvin klein, caesars etc. will update more when i get back


Friday, May 14, 2010

start of something new.

13th may:

went for the orientation today. lecture style, was being taught the company's mission, what does it entails for us to be part of morey's piers, and a lot more stuff. it wasnt boring, but it wasnt the most interesting lesson either.

was totally drained out of energy after the lecture. started at 345pm and they promised to keep it within 3 hours. true to their word, we ended at aroud 615pm. but what they didnt tell us, was that we are supposed to stay back and meet our respective supervisors who will bring us around the piers that we'll be working at. so i was given mariners landing piers (out of 3 piers, the other 2 being adventure pier and surfside pier).

so guess what? i ended at a super duper late time of 830. the wind was exceptionally cold and i really cant wait to get back to my bed. anyway we had takeouts from the panda restaurant for dinner.

14th may:

today we went for the UROC (universal ride operator course) training. informative, lengthy, difficult to grasp, yet quite cool will be the few descriptions for today's lesson. they talked about those terminology they use for the rides, they talked about how safety is maintained, they talked about how risks can be reduced. we had a hands on experience with one of the kiddy rides after that.

anyway i think everyone is gonna get real busy in due time, hence the house is almost always empty :(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wildwood, New Jersey!

sept 2009:

peiyi and i went for the work and travel USA talk in NTU and decided to sign up for this trip.

oct 2009:
did lots of paperwork and admin stuff for the trip.

nov 2009:
went for the "interview with employers" session at suntec. got accepted (:

dec 2009:
started planning bit by bit for this trip!

jan 2010:
went to the US embassy and went through the visa interview.

feb 2010:
successfully passed the interview and collected my first ever US visa.

march 2010:
continued to prepare for the trip. read up on new jersey, california, arizona etc.

april 2010:
exam period, was stressed and busy. but at the same time, was really excited that the big day was coming!

may 10th:
DA BIG DAY! flew 4 hours to taipei, then took the transit flight of 14 hours from taipei to newark, new york. howard got stuck at the customs area because he gave a photocopied version of an important document that we were supposed to submit. it was alrdy 12 plus midnight when we reached the hotel. hotel was ok, no complaints for that.

may 11th:
woke up and left the hotel, took a train to NJ transit. took bus 319 to atlantic city before taking 552 to wildwood. meet alot of angsty blacks along the way. (angsty is our new word) and finally finally finally reached our housing apartment at 6 plus. it was well furnished, there were 3 storeys. 1st for managers, 2nd for girls and 3rd for guys. 2 bathrooms and 1 kitchen on every floor. common dining area had 2 fridges and 1 television. went to this panda restaurant for dinner. the chinese food there was really good.

on a side note, the weather is really like super duper cold.

may 12th:
quite an eventful day. went for recruitment exercise in the morning. first time setting foot on the boardwalk. breath-taking scenaries, picturesque sights all in view. it was a really enjoyable morning. played with the fake mannequins in the meeting room while waiting for our turn to do the admin procedures. went out to atlantic city and was given really good deals with every shop we went in. H&M, Espirit, GAP, Lacoste, Guess, Coach etc etc etc

on a side side note. the weather is still freaking cold, 11 degrees. ARGH!

orientation tmr, looking forward to it! HUAT AH!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

this is it!

goodbye Singapore and hellooooooooooooooooooooooo USA!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

three two ONE.

its sunday already.
and soon it'll be monday.
before i know it, i'll be on the plane.
i'll miss everything here.


(i think im getting the pre-trip nerves. makes me apprehensive yet excited at the same time.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

time check.

why does time pass so slow yet so fast at the same time?

paper in 5 hours, US in 5 days.

feels great to receive encouraging smses even though its already my last paper.
(i'll definitely miss my friends when im away for that 3 long months..)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

one to eight.

first post.
second of may.
third time trying to blog.
fourth academic year this coming august.
fifth point, (which i have no idea what to write).
sixth semester of my uni education.
seventh day of the week.
eight more days.

mixed feelings..